Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday's Tip - Successful Charcoal Grilling

If you're like us you probably own a gas grill because charcoal grilling is much too difficult. We love the flavor from a charcoal grill, but the frustration of trying to get the charcoal hot enough without using a whole container of lighter fluid and then still being unsuccessful was enough to make us switch to gas.

Well, we have learned the secret of getting great coals every time. Go to Walmart ($9.97) or Home Depot ($14.99) or such and purchase a Charcoal Chimney Starter like the one below. Follow the instructions and viola! Hot coals that allow you to cook perfect every time. All you need is newspaper, charcoal (a little lighter fluid on top of the charcoal helps) and matches.

Here's wishing you great success in charcoal grilling!

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