Friday, May 27, 2011


It's that time of year again. If you haven't already, it's time to charge up those power riders, inflate bike tires, inflate balls, check swing sets, get the pool ready, air out the tent, locate all camping equipment, etc. School is out and summer break is here.

I love the smell of summer. Campfires, chlorine, suntan lotion, fresh cut grass, popcorn and fresh air (when we watch movies outside), food on the grill, bug spray or citronella, fresh dirt from the garden, fresh veggies on the table, etc.

I can't wait to go to the zoo, go hiking, go out for picnics, go camping, swimming, visit museums, visit family, see fireworks, etc.

What kinds of things do you look forward to during the summer?

Here's hoping you and your family have a wonderfully blessed summer.

Also, don't forget to take time this weekend and remember our veterans and everything they did that allows us to enjoy peaceful summers (and falls and winters and springs). Have a great weekend everyone.

Kaitlyn being a good buddy and
making sure Joshua doesn't ride
out into the road.

Joshua loves riding this little
power wheels four wheeler.

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