Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday's Tip - Postpartum Rest

One of the most awesome things I learned from my midwife, Kristen, was how to properly rest and heal after delivering a baby. I use to relax a couple of days then head out for the three day baby check, stop and pick up a few groceries on the way home and try to slowly get back into the swing of the daily routine all while my body is trying to heal. It always seemed to be a long process of getting back to normal.

Well, not anymore. I now live by these rules after I come home from delivering a baby. First week - stay down (in bed), only take care of myself and the baby and only get up to go to the bathroom or take a shower. Second week - down more than up. Third week - up more than down. By following these guidelines I heal faster and can get back to normal much faster too. I find I have the energy to do what needs to be done much more quickly.

Now, I understand that not everyone can do this for various reasons, but if you can get the help and have someone bring your meals to you in bed, take care of your other children (if you have any), and keep your house picked up, you won't regret it. Let family and friends who offer to help, come help.

Trust me, follow these rules and you'll be glad you did.

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