Tuesday, July 6, 2010


At any time of the year, but more in the summer, my kids often come into the house saying "Hey Mom, look at this!" I never know what to expect, but I love that my children are fascinated by God's creation. I love the wonder that fills my little guys eyes as they explore the bug, toad, moth, butterfly or frog, etc. that they bring in. I'm glad they find excitement in the world around them and don't take it for granted.

So many times we pass things and take no notice of them. The wonder of a flower and every amazing petal. The color of the underside of a frog and the intricate detail in it. The pictures in the clouds and the beams of sunlight and how they glorify everything they touch. May we remember to see the world as a child and find the awesome glory in it.

Cute little frog

Josiah having fun with it
Joshua getting a close up look at it

Under side of frog

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