Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fresh Air, Fresh Spirit

This last week I have made it a priority to go walking outside before I get my day started. I love fresh air, hearing the birds sing and getting some sunshine on my face. I have also noticed a huge difference in my attitude for the remainder of the day. You see, I take my walking time as my prayer time as well. I spend that 20-30 minutes in communication with God. I have come to look forward to this time each day. I feel like I am spending time with my best friend and now wonder how I ever managed without it.

I always read each morning and usually said a quick prayer (amongst the kids waking up and needing me for something every five minutes) before I started my day, but these last few days of uninterrupted time with God have been precious. I make sure that I also remember to be quiet and listen to what God wants to tell me each day instead of talking the whole time. My communication with God has been fun. We laugh together and I realize how much He loves me and knows me. I feel free to say whatever I need to say and be open to whatever He has to say as well.

I would encourage you also to spend quality time with the Lord each morning. If you enjoy being outside, like me, then take a walk. I stay near the house and walk up and down my street and take my phone in case the kids need me. I walk while they are finishing their breakfast and getting dressed so they are busy while I'm out. I feel refreshed from the fresh air and exercise and my spirit is refreshed from my prayer time. My day seems to run more smoothly or maybe it's just that I'm more relaxed about things and handle everything with more patience and care than usual. I feel like I can handle whatever comes my way. I have come to treasure this time and I pray that this may encourage you to do the same. Be blessed and have a great day.

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